融合 Fusion
(大聖堂 夜明け前)
Cathedral | Nighttime
レア: ……もうおやめなさい、アルファルド!
Rhea: Aelfric, cease this at once.
アルファルド: もう遅い。宝杯は四使徒の血を受け取った。
Aelfric: It is too late. The chalice is filled to its brim with the blood of the four.
Should their blood prove insufficient, I will spill even my own blood to finish this.
レア: “始原の宝杯”で人の子の魂を呼び戻せなどしません!
Rhea: The chalice cannot return her soul, Aelfric.
It is incapable even of returning the body to life
Byleth: やめてくれ Please, you must stop.
アルファルド: ……案ずることはありません。君の母は、今日、ここで蘇ります。
Aelfric: Be not afraid. Today, your mother returns to us.
The time has come.
Perhaps I am not an equal man to him...
But I am here by your side, Sitri.
Sitri... Si...tri...
エーデルガルト: !? 宝杯が……アルファルドと遺体を取り込んで……
Edelgard: The chalice... It absorbed both of them!
ディミトリ: あの異形……いったい、何だ?赤い……獣、か?
Dimitri: That aberration... What is it? An...umbral beast?
赤き獣: ギジィオヴリィイイイイ!!
Umbral Beast: Sitriii!
レア: ああ……やはり……すべてが、あの儀式と同じ……
Rhea: So I see... It is just as the last time the ritual was performed.
バルタザール: ……おいおいおいおい、流石に冗談だろう?あれがあの人の成れの果てだって?
Balthus: Is this really happening? Aelfric turned into... that thing?!
ハピ: アルフさんが、化け物になるとか……冗談きついし。
Hapi: Ugh. It does seem like some kind of sick joke.
ユーリス: これが“宝杯の儀”なのか……?死者を蘇らせるにしちゃ、随分と物騒だな。
Yuri: So this is the Rite of Rising? Quite the dangerous ritual, if you ask me...
セイロス騎士: レア様!大聖堂周辺に、突如魔物が……!
Knight of Seiros: Lady Rhea! Monsters have appeared at the cathedral!
レア: ……! 赤き獣の咆哮で……?
Rhea: Could it be? Perhaps his roar drew them there...
Everyone who is capable must fight this beast―now.
ユーリス: ……大司教様。
Yuri: Archbishop Rhea.
Things ended up this way because of me. Please allow me to make up for it.
レア: ですが……
Rhea: Yuri...
ユーリス: それに、取り引き分の働きを、まだ私はしていません。教団の狗として戦いますよ。
Yuri: It'll give me a chance to hold up my end of the deal. Let me fight for the church.
コンスタンツェ: おーっほっほっほっほっほっほ!抜け駆けとは感心いたしませんわね!
ですが……だとしても! かつて行く当てを失った私があの方に救われたのも事実。
Constance: Ahaha! So very like you to steal the glory in the heat of the moment.
Aelfric used us―he lied to us―-and attempted to slay us.
Despite that, he provided shelter when I had none.
We must end things swiftly, for his sake.
ハピ: アルフさん、人に戻れないのかな。なんか……。
Hapi: He's never going to be normal again, is he?
For all those years, he tried to make this happen―bring her back―only to lose himself. That's pretty awful.
バルタザール: あれが、あの人の選択の結果なんだ。おれたちは受け止めることしかできねえ。
Balthus: He made his choice. All we can do is accept it.
Let's do all of us a favor and take him out real quick-like, yeah?
クロード: 俺たちも手を貸すよ。一緒に峠まで登ったんだ、下りも一緒さ。
Claude: We'll help too. Together we stand, together we fall.
ディミトリ: ああ、最後まで付き合おう。少しは役に立てると思う。
Dimitri: Yes, you can rely on us until the very end.
エーデルガルト: ……この数奇な物語に、幕を下ろしましょう。
Edelgard: Time to lower the curtain on this unfortunate tale.
Byleth: 行こう Let's do this.
レア: ……決して、無理をしてはなりませんよ。
Rhea: Please, act swiftly but with great care.
By my order, stop the umbral beast―stop Aelfric!